External Interrupt INT0 ATtiny10
After having a little fun. I learned a few things about this chip.. Pullups are different..
My goal on this was to just figure out external interrupt, just reading datasheet. It works..
Her is the code I used for INT0 on PB2 works great. I did add a .1uf Cap on GND to PB2 for de-bounce.
Testing External interupt on ATtiny10
Sherm 10/31/21 Booooooo
It now works..
#undef F_CPU
#define F_CPU 1000000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int main(void){
EICRA=0b00000010; //detect falling edge ext int on ISC0 0 and 1
EIMSK=0b00000001; // turn on INT0
DDRB=0b00000010; //put PB1 as output and PB2 as input
PUEB=0b00000100; //enable pullup on PB2 attiny10
//PORTB|=(1<<PB2); //enable pullup NOT ON ATTINY10
sei(); //start interrupts
while(1){ //loop, loop.....
// Interrupt Service Routine catch button and toggle led on PB1
PORTB ^=(1<<PB1);
//_delay_ms(400); // was for debounce but went with .1uf Cap from gnd to PB2 that worked great.
//EIFR=0b00000001; // clear the external interrupt flag
// it says: The flag is cleared when the interrupt routine is executed. Alternatively, the flag can be
//cleared by writing a logical one to it. This flag is always cleared when INT0 is configured as a level